SimSmart A320 Performance Calculator

If you purchased your version of SimSmart with a valid email address then you will receive an email with the download link included. If you did not use a valid email address then please email and include your WEB reference number and email address. Once this has been verified the download link will be emailed to you.

SimSmart is based on the real world performance calculator created by Airbus called FlySmart. The calculations that SimSmart provides have been tested against the real world calculator to match as close as possible, the real world figures under ISA conditions. Corrections are then applied to take into account the temperature, winds, runway conditions, takeoff weight, QNH and altitude etc. again tested against the real world calculator. However, there is a limit to the accuracy SimSmart can gives due to the real world Neo engine performance data being protected by Airbus. SimSmart is a tool for Flight Simulators only.

In line with the real Take-Off calculator used by Airbus pilots, SimSmart does not give you a Trim setting based on your take-off Center of Gravity (GC). This is because pilots use a Load Sheet to get this information and then set the trim wheel to that value, bypassing entering the value into the PERF page of the MCDU. This field is left blank by many airlines now as it isn't required for the aircraft performance.

If your SimSmart is not updating then you may need to uninstall and re-install the application. A document showing how to uninstall SimSmart is available here.

Due to an overload on the mail servers some of you are not receiving your download link immediately. The download link should be emailed to you but there are instructions ont eh thank you page, after you make your purchase, explaining what to do if you do not get the email.

You must be running V2.1.14 of the PC app, this is the latest version.

Please make sure that you accept any updates and install them. You will be prompted to do this when your application starts. See the FAQ "What is the current version of SimSmart" to make sure you have the latest version installed.

Please ensure that if you run a calculation and then decide to change runways or airports, that you press the RESET button to clear the data currently inputted in SimSmart. 

If you have automatic METAR download turned on, go into the settings and enable Manual METAR entry. Occasionally, the METAR that has been downloaded cannot be read correctly by SimSmart and can then result in the app crashing.

On long runways, this is to be expected. The basic idea is for an aircraft to use as much of the runway as possible to reach its rotate speed (Vr). This allows for a slower acceleration and thus, saves engine wear and tear. V1 is the point at which after passing this speed, there will not be enough runway left to safely stop. On long runways, an aircraft can slowly accelerate up to Vr and still have enough room to stop should they need to, hence why V1 and Vr become very close, or the same.

Even though the structural MTOW (maximum take-off weight) for the A320 Neo is 79000kg, the reason for this is simple and all designed around corrections that are applied to give you a final MTOW or a RTOW (regulated take-off weight) when it's lower than the structural MTOW.

Depending on the runway length, different "base" MTOW values are applied. In essence a short runway gives a lower "base" MTOW value and a long runway a high “base” MTOW values.

Various environmental conditions affect the MTOW. As an example, a headwind will increase your MTOW. Simply because there's more "relative airflow" over the wings helping lift. The same way a slightly higher QNH helps as the air is "denser", aiding the aerodynamic lift. So, all these different factors are essentially "corrections" to the original base MTOW value that’s been calculated based on runway length.

If the MTOW in SimSmart was limited at 79t and you applied corrections, you may have to take a correction off (high OAT, low QNH etc). If these were applied to a set figure of 79t, you could end up with a more restrictive lower RTOW (<79t). This could then affect how much passengers or fuel you could load. However if these corrections are taken off a higher base MTOW value (>79t because it's a nice long runway), you'd still end up with a MTOW value that's well in excess of the structural MTOW. Allowing you to depart at 79t.

This is the reason you'll see a MTOW value in SimSmart that exceeds the structural MTOW. This is exactly how it is in the real world performance calculator by Airbus, Flysmart. It is up to you as the pilot to recognise this if your MTOW is below 79t. Again, as per real life.

On short runways, this will be evident and this new RTOW (<79t) now becomes your limiting weight. What SimSmart is saying, is you can't legally depart above this weight.

If you do, you "might" just get airborne. But if you had to stop at V1, you might run out of runway. These RTOW are there to allow you to take off safely…. or stop at V1 and not go shooting off the end at 70 knots! Your weight affects your stopping ability; hence why these RTOW values are so important

If you have a problem with your download after purchasing SimSmart, and include the WEB reference that was shown on the thank you page after your payment.

SimSmart is constantly being updated. When you open SimSmart the program will automatically check for updates and give you the option to install them or skip. If you skip the update, this will prevent the program from searching for new updates in the future. To begin receiving updates again, please uninstall the program (sse this document) and re-install. The updates may also be prevented by your firewall/antivirus. Please allow SimSmart through your firewalls.

SimSmart is currently only available for Windows. Installation is simple and a step-by-step guide is available here

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